Sue, age 72TREATMENT: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection into hip

Sue, age 72<span>TREATMENT: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection into hip</span>

GarthIn March 2019, Sue was having extreme problems with her back. A former tennis player for 30 years and usually a very active person, she was walking her dog on a stoney beach when the pain came on – she went to the physio who said it was bursitis.

She then started to experience significant pain in her right hip, and increasingly poor mobility, all of which had a detrimental effect on her usually very active life.

Sue was referred to Mr Vedi and found him to be thorough, straightforward and professional. He diagnosed her with tendinopathy and this was confirmed by ultrasound.

Mr Vedi recommended that Sue have a platelet rich plasma injection (more info on PRP). She agreed to go ahead with the procedure, which was completely straightforward and pain free. The staff were also extremely caring and attentive.

By the time of her follow-up appointment a month later, Sue was gaining real benefit, and now, a further two months later she is essentially pain free and fully mobile.

Sue said: “My whole experience was so excellent and am very grateful to Mr Vedi for making me free of pain. I would recommend that anyone facing my situation should consider having a PRP injection with Mr Vedi”.